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Amal-Lee is Associate Director of E3G and leads a programme on international climate finance. Current areas of focus are working with in-country partners on design and implementation of financing strategies and pathways for low carbon and resilient development in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Following completion of an 18 month study on how China can finance its low carbon pathway to 2030, Amal-Lee also now leads for E3G on a new Dialogue on China’s Green Finance and Investment pathway to 2030.

Other priorities are on shaping an effective international ecosystem for climate finance through various roles, for example: serving as a member of the Private Sector Advisor Group to the Green Climate Fund; advising Governments on their international climate finance agenda and the UNFCCC on long-term finance; co-facilitator of the OECD DAC task team on the Rio Markers for tracking environmental finance; Board membership roles for REEEP; China’s Global Environment Initiative and the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Financing Resilience (FiRe) initiative. Between early 2013 and 2014 Amal-Lee was one of the lead authors of the Mobilizing Investment chapter of the Green Growth Best Practice initiative and actively shaped the finance approach of the LEDS Global Partnership.

Amal-Lee’s PhD, which focused on policies and institutional change for promoting investment in renewable energy in developing countries, has been central to her 15 year professional career. Achievements include lead roles designing and implementing the Climate Investment Funds for the Inter-American Development Bank, the design of a new Green Investment Bank for the UK Government and leading UK and EU strategy and negotiations under the UNFCCC, Rio+10 and other UN processes, as well as several high profile bilateral initiatives for increased cooperation on climate technology and finance.

